
Maormer psychokiller


Name Vespir
Age Unknown
Race Maormer
Gender Female
Birthplace Unknown
Residence Tavern Tusk 'n Tail in Solitude

Blood, sex, pain, colour red, sweets, under water, friends

Thunder, cages, bondage, family, locked rooms, Altmers

Fun facts
▸ Nobody knows the name Vespir, since she changes her name regularly.

▸ Since her new life, she is often conflicted with the voices in her head that were once so comforting.

▸ She never learned social rules and often makes people uncomfortable.


Names used:

"She's mine. And I'm hers. Ain't goin' nowhere without her. It'd feel wrong to... What do ya mean how "mine"? She's my death - and I am hers."

“I honestly don’t really care that much about her as people would think I do. But…if anyone dares ever try and hurt her, I will be sure to make your life pain and suffering only.”
Nira Galene

"A weird but pretty fishy that needs to be watched to keep damage down. To herself and others!"

"A child's innocent curiosity paired with only limited sense of right and wrong, easily influenced. Think thrice what advice you give her without her friends nearby. It will go wrong, despite the lack of malice in her actions."

"Vyshari no like Mean Not-Friend! Vyshari like friends. Mean Not-Friend hate Vyshari! Vyshari no know why. Vyshari can break her! Vyshari no break her. Vyshari angry-sad!"

"I'm convinced she's the spawn of Sheogorath and Mehrunes Dagon. That's what I like about her."

"Veyayaya.. I likeh Veyah. She wraps her arms around me and keeps me safe.. I think.. Either that or she waitin' to eat me like other fishmers. But! I wannah make her happy, happy as can be. She makes me feel.. Safe."

As a baby, Vespir was found by an Altmer couple on the beach in Summerset. The couple couldn't kill the baby and decided to bring her home. What followed was a hidden upbringing outside the city. Fueled by the hatred towards the Maormers, but unable to kill a child, her new parents treated Vespir without any love. Abuse was a daily routine and has shaped Vespir in the Maormer she is today. The Maormer grew up, mainly locked up in a room and only able to leave to help with chores around the house. But always hidden for other Altmers. The young girl sought comfort in the voices in her head that kept her company. Eventually, the voices promised her freedom. She only had to kill her parents and her brother. The young girl did and escaped her cruel parents and fled into the woods. There, covered in blood and bewildered, she was found by an Altmeri hermit blacksmith. He felt pity for the girl and took her in. For the first time, Vespir experienced friendliness. At first cautious, Vespir stayed around for some time. But eventually left to roam the island. Returning once in a while.
Vespir lived mainly in the wilds, with the animals as her teachers. Eventually she dared to go into the city, but was always chased off and more than once, when she was caught, put into cages or into chains. As people often tried to kill and abuse her, she learned that killing and assault were normal. Vespir grew more and more cautious. She learned the hidden routes within the cities. She mainly stayed on the roofs. Following the city life from above and afar.

Sometimes she dared to go down, hidden behind a mask. On her daring walks through the city, she met Altmeri who were not violent towards her. One of them being Sukidael, a pirate captain. As Sukidael seemed to understand the Maormer, Vespir started to trust him more and more. Until he eventually took her with him on his ship and took her away from the island. Ever since she has been following him and his Ravagers crew. Learning that there was a much bigger world.



Vespir has facial tattoos and several facial piercings. Her hair most often looks unkempt, unevenly cut and dirty.
If ever her skin below her chin is exposed, you could see the many many different kind of scars that cover her body (big, small, burns, slashes, cuts, pierced, etc.). Leaving little normal skin. Here and there she has a few scales. She has small boobs and even though she looks unhealthy thin, she has a big booty.


Personality type: ISFP-T
Vespir has a child like mindset and is easily surprised by the many wonders in this world. She is quirky, unpredictable and seems to have a twisted sense of morality. She is obsessed by scars and the color red.

She is very curious, but she can also be very anxious. Vespir has a need for validation, which makes her very impressionable. Since she joined the Ravagers crew, the Maormer has been trying to learn social rules. But she can interpret them very literal.

Rumours & RP hooks

▸ Those who have been in Summerset, might recognise her face from the wanted posters.
▸ There is a rather high price on her head for assault and abuse on nobility. The name however associated is Erelin.
▸ She often moves around over roofs and through the shadows.
▸ In Solitude some people have been talking about that crazy Maomer who sneaks around without making any sound.
